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who we are

Meet our pastor

The Northampton church was started just over 30 years ago and is currently being Pastored by Pastor Philip Azille and his wife Andrea Azille. They took over the church in 2006.


"I was brought up Catholic, so I always knew God existed, but I stopped going to church when I reached the age of sixteen. Over the next eight years, I continued praying and reading the Bible, thinking I was a good person despite living an immoral and sinful life.

At the age of 24, I first attended a Pentecostal church when I visited the Potters House Church in Walthamstow. For the first time in my life, I heard the gospel being preached and realised that I was a sinner in need of repentance and forgiveness from Jesus.

I gave my life to Christ and haven't looked back since. Jesus has completely transformed my life and given me hope. He has blessed me with a beautiful wife of 24 years and three sons.

My life has been radically changed and blessed, all thanks to Jesus Christ"

Pastor Philip & Andrea Azille

What we Believe

  • That Jesus Christ is the son of the living God and the only saviour from sin.


  • That Jesus Christ is the great physician and the healer of the body through the atonement.


  • That Jesus Christ is the baptiser with the Holy Spirit, today just as he was on the day of Pentecost.


  • That Jesus Christ is the soon coming king, coming back to earth again as the only hope for a dying world.


  • That Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

What we

  • We believe in sharing the good news about hope and forgiveness with others, locally and beyond.


  • We have all manner of activities during the year, have a look and you're more than welcome to get involved if you are a member or just attend!

Where we

  • The Potter's House Christian Fellowship Church - Northampton is affiliated with Christian Fellowship Ministries founded by the late Wayman Mitchell.

  • Beginning in 1973, this body (originally First Foursquare Church) has mothered an entire fellowship of churches which go by various names. These include The Door, The Potter's House, Victory Chapel, The Lighthouse and Living Waters. The fellowship now includes more than 3800 congregations worldwide.

  • Policy Concerning Pastoral Moral Integrity
    We believe that a Pastor is to represent God to the congregation and community with the highest standard of integrity, and his actions should be blameless (1 Timothy 3:2) and his actions should be such that he has a good report with people, both within and without the congregation (1 Timothy 3:7). We also believe that the Pastor is a Shepherd of the congregation, and his highest duty should be to care for, and protect the flock (1 Peter 5:2). These dual Biblical requirements are to be demonstrated in our relations with the opposite sex, and in the area of sexuality in general. God demands purity of all believers, and Pastors are held to a higher standard (James 3:1), so as to not cause anyone to stumble. 1. Counselling: A Pastor must guard against both the impression of impropriety, and human nature to bond emotionally with those receiving counselling. A Pastor should never counsel a member of the opposite sex alone. If the counselling cannot be done in the sight of other people, the Pastor should always have someone else in the room while counselling. 2. Sexual communication: Any conversations or communications – written or electronic, should never involve flirtatious or sexual discussions or innuendos (Col 3:8). No counselling should involve sexual topics or discussions without another person present in the conversation. 3. Sexual contact: Any form of sexual contact, or sexual touching of any person we are not married to, violates our Biblical standard of holiness (1 Cor 6:19-20), and immediately disqualifies us from Pastoral ministry. When a moral complaint or accusation is made against a Pastor or Evangelist: (Inappropriate conversations, inappropriate electronic communications, inappropriate relationship, sexual touching or sexual contact) then: 1. The normal Pastoral lines in reporting and dealing with the situation will be followed i.e., Their Pastor, and their Pastors Pastor will deal with the situation appropriately. 2. An outside leader (Conference or area leader) must be informed and involved in responding to the allegation or complaint- to give input and agree with the suggested response and /or discipline. If a Pastor or Evangelist falls into any form of sexual sin, or damages his testimony morally, he is liable for immediate removal from the ministry. 1. He will have his Pastoral credentials immediately removed, and no longer qualifies to be a Pastor. 2. His Pastor(s) are to determine the facts and damage of the case to determine whether or not he should be put out of the church for a period of discipline or allowed to return to a fellowship church having no public ministry for a period of 2 years while he rebuilds his relationship with God, his marriage and public testimony. a. If there are any further moral violations, or any form of contact with a person they were sexually involved with, they will usually be put out of the church for a period of between 6 months and 1 year. At the end of the proscribed period of discipline, he must meet with his Pastor, who will make a determination concerning repentance and fitness to return to the congregation. 3. At the end of any proscribed period of discipline within the church (minimum 2 years) if he seeks to return to Pastoral ministry, and his pastor is willing to speak for his repentance and character, he can request a restoration meeting that must include his Pastor, and 2 Leaders of the Fellowship. a. They can question him to determine his fitness to return to ministry, and make any recommendations of how/how soon/what capacity he is able to serve in. 4. As the Bible holds up a Pastor’s marriage as a basic requirement of ministry (1 Timothy 3:1-13), any violations by the Pastor’s wife in the area of sexual communication or contact (as discussed above) will disqualify the couple from Pastoral ministry. a. The terms of discipline (described above) would then be in effect.
  • Conflict Resolution
    For many years there has been a process whereby conflicts in our Fellowship can be resolved. These are summarized by an open letter from Pastor Mitchell to all Fellowship churches that should be displayed prominently on your Notice Board. This letter is to set in place a structure whereby the issues of relationship conflict or abuse involving pastors and their congregations, pastors and their fellow pastors, and any conflict between pastors and leadership, in the British Fellowship can be resolved. In the local church, if a member has a grievance to be heard against a pastor, Matt 18:15-20 would be the procedure; 1. To meet alone with the pastor and seek a resolution 2. If there is no resolution, then they should request a hearing before the ChurchCouncil with the pastor present. 3. If the issue is still not resolved, then a written request can be made to his mother church pastor or Pastor Nigel Brown. Pastor Brown and/or the mother church pastor or a delegated area leader will meet with the pastor, the Church Council, and the party in conflict, in order to resolve the conflict. At any stage in the process, if someone is unwilling to meet personally to seek resolution, they cannot request any further hearings. In case of a problem with a pastor and another pastor, or a pastor and his mother church pastor, a written request can be made to Pastor Brown to delegate either one or two Area Leaders to meet with the pastors in conflict and resolve the issue and/or to meet with them himself to achieve resolution. Pastor Brown remains in submission to his pastors, Pastor Greg Mitchell and Pastor Daryl Elliot, his local church council for local matters, and should the need arise on a higher level, a Board of Elders can be summoned to bring him any advice, correction, or discipline. The board is comprised of Joe Campbell, Mark Aulson, Kevin Foley, Tom Payne, Harold Warner, Richard Rubi and Paul Stephens. These men have the authority to resolve any conflicts that may affect our Fellowship on an International level. They can convene a meeting with any of the International Leaders to resolve disputes and set in order matters to ensure an ongoing flow of our ministry. In the UK, under the direction of Pastor Brown, along with the Senior Pastor of the Rotherhithe London Congregation and/ or current recognised Leaders in the UK, a pastor may be summonsed for doctrinal error, moral indiscretion, or whose conduct is causing disruption in the British Fellowship to receive advice, correction, or discipline. Their decisions on the local British level will be binding and final. It is important that you post this letter, as well as the letter from Pastor Mitchell, in your church where members of the congregation may see it and understand the issues. Sincerely, Pastor Nigel Brown 30th March 2023
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